Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Groceries Business

What is the business?
A business is a legal entity that is set-up or designed to make goods, sell goods, or provide a service. Many businesses are for profit organizations as opposed to a non profit organization or hobby job. How an organization is structured affects, how a business is run, how it is taxed, and how profits are distributed. The actual business structure can also affect the personal liability of any owners of the business.
Regardless of whether the business is a for profit or not for profit business, a business is generally characterized as running in a systematic, continuous and regular businesslike manner, and having ordinary commercial principles governing it, such as business and accounting records. For example, a person who collects and sells baseball cards on a regular basis from a store is engaged in a business, while a casual collector, who will occasionally trade cards with friends, is probably engaged in a hobby. The distinction is important for tax purposes as losses from a business are tax-deductible, while losses generated from a hobby are not.
Want to do business?

I would like to do groceries business because it is one good business and has long term prospects. And also in the middle of its diverse merchandise on display in the market, the business partner orientation groceries to attract consumers because of its important role for human survival. Grocery business venture is preferred by many people, both of which have large capital and have only a small capital, although it begins with small capital but the business will easily expand or even bolted for the sales strategy is applied.

Becoming more and more people who have the basic necessities of business, because of course everyone would need groceries. We must be clever in managing the business's basic needs in order to succeed or at least never make money every day.
how to marketing? 
Groceries are goods that are needed in our daily Community Sector. Therefore, in the grocery business management if done correctly it will be able to generate huge profits.

Here are the basic food marketing strategies in order to generate profits in abundance:

1.       Cost of competing

It was very affecting in business management is all about price. In a society that has become natural to look for the cheapest price while still getting quality guaranteed or at least they will compare prices from one store to another store.
To that end, in the grocery business management is also worth noting that the price is determined. Do not want because gains or great profits to set prices high above original price of the goods.
We should set a reasonable price in the price of home goods. Although later the profit earned is not too big, but if a lot of people are buying it at our place so great tale would be easy to grab.
Because we put forward here customer housewife so the first thing that their minds is to buy the cheapest because it adapted to their budget. And also they will keep looking for goods at a cheap price even though there is little difference but still be sought.
2.       Quality goods

Besides the prices being a determinant of the success of the business manager, the second thing to watch is to keep the quality of the goods sold. It is not easy because the seller had to figure out how to maintain the quality of the goods while still providing affordable prices to the buyers.
Quality goods must be maintained, nor goods sold looks good on the outside but turns in it or the quality of his stuff is not as good as the outside. Best to do a routine every week so that consumers were satisfied with the goods we sell.
This will make buyers a product that we would rather have. Even if we continue to maintain the quality of the goods we market the buyers then gradually we will be loyal to us. They will continue to buy our place and did not want to move to another place, the greater the advantage is of course that will be obtained.
3.       Good service 

In addition to price and goods should we keep the quality, one thing that will determine success in running a business is a staple food in terms of service.
As a seller should really give great attention to this maid thing. Items must arrive in a satisfactory process in the eyes of buyers.
Do not make the buyer feel uncomfortable with a system service that we provide. System services can be related about the distribution of the goods or the services that we provide.
The distribution is very concerning to the person or employee in charge. They all need to be able to put the buyer as king. By prioritizing needs and their satisfaction.
With so surely buyers will be pleased with what we've given them. Whether it be an affordable price, goods and maintain quality and we
still keep a good service. Buyers will be our loyal partners who will continue to buy our place and not be turned into another place.

Why this business?
Because I look for a long term business is quite promising. and the capital that is not too big that we can open this business, is promising for business people who only have a small capital. In terms of return on its capital was fairly fast, because the goods sold are household items.